Sharing Our Stories: November 29

Name:  Kristyne Young

Writer’s Ministry:  Pastor

Assigned Text:  Zephaniah 3:14-17

Word of the Week:  Love

Advent is here!  It is time to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus!  During this time we remember that Jesus came once before, as the little baby in the manger, the baby who grew to be the man, both fully human and fully divine, who died for us.  Who died, but then in three days rose from the dead, conquering death and changing everything.  However, we also, in this time of Advent, prepare ourselves and look forward to the coming of Jesus again.  A time when, as Zephaniah says, “…the Lord himself, the King of Israel will live among you!  At last your troubles will be over, and you will never again fear disaster.”  The day is coming when Jesus will return.  Because we know this, let us make this Advent a time when we prepare our hearts and minds to accept Jesus, both the baby from long ago and the Jesus who will come again. 

Let’s make this an Advent season when we draw closer together to those we disagree with. Let us love those we might struggle to love, because this is the Kingdom of God.  Let’s make this an Advent season when we give more to those who we do not know than to those we do know, because this is the Kingdom of God.  Let’s make this an Advent season when we forgive those who we are withholding forgiveness from and a season when we humbly offer forgiveness we are withholding from others, because this is the Kingdom of God.  Let’s make this an Advent season when we come together at the manger and realize that we have more in common than in difference, because this is the Kingdom of God.  Let’s make this an Advent season when we truly prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of our Lord and Savior, the King of all Kings, Jesus, the Christ.  

Daily Prayer:  Lord, turn our thoughts to you during this season. Help us to build your Kingdom and not our own.  Amen.  

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. What is keeping you from preparing fully for the coming of Christ during this Advent season?  Go take care of that thing.  
  2. What is something you could do to share the light of Christ during Advent with someone you do not know?  

One response to “Sharing Our Stories: November 29”

  1. Good first Devo, Kristyne!

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