Lenten Study – Tuesday, March 21

Mark 8:1-26

Each day is an opportunity to grow the Kingdom of God and be good yeast in the world.  Today is a great day to do just this, a day to do something kind, a day to be the Light in the world.  Think about how great the world would be if we were all working to grow the yeast of the Kingdom of God and forgot about growing the yeast of anger, jealousy, and selfishness. 

Sometimes when I talk about these sorts of things, people tell me that they are just one person and one person cannot change the world.  This is not true.  Remember the yeast; it starts out small, a little bit of nothing.  However, it grows, and it doesn’t just grow; it expands the whole ball of dough bigger than you can imagine, so big it overflows the bowl containing it.  Friends, be the yeast.   

The Way of Peace Prayer: Jesus, I choose to follow your Way of Peace.  Lead me to one person that I can love, give hope, and bring your peace today. 

Blessings – Kristyne

4 responses to “Lenten Study – Tuesday, March 21”

  1. Oh wow! I always felt like the real miracle of the loaves and fishes was that many of the people who did have bread and fish shared what they had with others. I was firmly disputed (reprimented?) by a pastor who said emphatically ‘’That is NOT what the Bible says”. Thank you so much for making me no longer feel like a heretic for venturing a broader perspective of that wonderful miracle.

    1. 🙂Glad this has come around full circle.

  2. Thank you for your help accessing video…

    1. I was so tried the night before, I even thought “did I do everything”. Lol

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